Collecting and storing data:
By using the Platform, you acknowledge and commit to the following:
You agree that the platform collects your personal information and your interaction data on the platform to develop and improve the services provided. This information includes any or all of:
IP address.
Mobile number.
Device and browser type and data.
National identity data.
Commercial registry data.
Deeds and real estate ownership data.
Payment data.
Bank account information.
Content you post on the Platform.
Interaction and browsing data on the platform.
Private messages on the platform.
Use of Data:
By using the Platform, you acknowledge and commit to the following:
You accept the use of this data from the platform for any of the following purposes
Providing the best services, giving you a special experience, and working to best meet your individual needs.
Improving the performance of using the platform.
Improve user service.
Sending personalized and marketing alerts, messages and notifications to platform users via text messages, email, website and application alerts.
Conducting statistics, research, and reports on the services and fields served by the platform.
Verifying payment operations in the services available on the platform.
Share this information with partners who provide data analysis and marketing services to the extent necessary.
Share this information with law enforcement agencies in response to legal requests we may receive.
You agree that the platform will document, archive, and retain complaints and violations to present them to the relevant authorities.
You agree to transfer this data to any entity with operating rights as needed.